Deletion of Ship Registration Abroad, Company Closure and Liquidation

Deletion of Ship Registration Abroad, Company Closure and Liquidation

Deletion of Ship Registration Abroad, Company Closure and Liquidation

With the disappearance of the purposes of companies established abroad, it is important to carry out liquidation and closing procedures in order to prevent any liability related to these companies in the future. For example, a company that functions as the owner of marine vehicles such as boats and yachts should be closed as soon as possible after the boat is sold. If the company is not closed, tax liability and other reporting responsibilities regarding the company continue depending on the country in which it is located. Thanks to our global business partners, we can support you in the closing processes of your companies established all over the world.

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The following countries are just some of the countries and states where we operate:

  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) -All states, most heavily Delaware -USA overseas affiliates and related countries; For example, Virgin Islands of United States (US Virgin Islands), Marshall Islands (Marshall Islands) 
  • ENGLAND -England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland -Overseas kingdoms such as British Virgin Islands (British Virgin Islands), Isle of Mull (Island of Mull), Channel Islands (Channel Islands), Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands), -Gibraltar (Gibral Tarik ) 

Transfer of Foreign Flagged Boats to the Turkish Flag

Transition to the Turkish Flag was encouraged with the Law No. 6770, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 27.01.2017 and numbered 29961, and within the scope of the communiqué on the transfer of foreign flag boats to the Turkish Flag with the communiqué no 2017/3, which entered into force in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2017 and numbered 29996. ;

We carry out all the necessary procedures for the registration or registration and entry into free circulation of yachts, charters, boats, passenger and cruise ships that are abroad or have a foreign flag, that have a document showing that they were acquired before 27/1/2017 and are in the records of the country whose flag they are flying. .

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Transfer of Foreign Flagged Boats to the Turkish Flag

Transition to the Turkish Flag was encouraged with the Law No. 6770, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 27.01.2017 and numbered 29961, and within the scope of the communiqué on the transfer of foreign flag boats to the Turkish Flag with the communiqué no 2017/3, which entered into force in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2017 and numbered 29996. ;

We carry out all the necessary procedures for the registration or registration and entry into free circulation of yachts, charters, boats, passenger and cruise ships that are abroad or have a foreign flag, that have a document showing that they were acquired before 27/1/2017 and are in the records of the country whose flag they are flying. .

  • The first application for boat registration will be made to the Port Authority. 
  • All foreign-flagged private or commercial boats will be registered, 
  • Regardless of which port authority the boat is in, transactions will be carried out in the port authority to which it applies, 
  • No request such as English-Turkish translation or notary approval will be made for the documents belonging to the boat. If there are no English documents, then a Turkish translation will be requested. 
  • In case the boat is located abroad, registration procedures will also be carried out, 
  • Actions will also be taken in case the periods have passed in the Travel Permit, 
  • To carry out transactions within the scope of the aforementioned Law for foreign nationals who have a residence permit in our country, 
  • The original/original of the registration or registration document showing that the boat was acquired before 27.01.2017 and is in the records of the country whose flag it is flying will be given to the port authority. 
  • Boat name application will be made, 
  • If the person to whom the boat will be registered is a real person, TR ID number, 
  • If the person to whom the boat will be registered is a legal person; signature circular, trade registry gazette, tax number, 
  • If there is more than one owner in the registration or registration document in the foreign flag, the application of one of the owners is sufficient for the registration process, a letter is not requested from the other partners, 
  • Transactions showing that the person whose name is on the registration or registration document has transferred his shares to someone else (including the notary document) is not taken into account, the first registration process is carried out on behalf of all the partners in the registration document of the boat, without asking for any documents from the other partners, 
  • Filling in the attached Commitment by the boat owner and taking the undertaking as a basis for the registration, 
  • If the boat has a 69 tonnage certificate, issuing a Tonnage Certificate according to that document and completing the registration process by taking 2 photographs of the boat, 
  • After completing all the procedures of the ships to be registered in the National Ship Registry, 
  • Requesting 2 photographs of the boat from those who want to have their boat measured without waiting for one year during the registration phase, requesting the project when a project is required according to our current legislation, completing the tonnage-based procedures by measuring and controlling the boat with machine information on the boat, 
  • Registration of the boats that cannot be measured with the current registration or registration document or the measurement values specified in the undertaking, 
  • Receiving the receipt of the license fee if the boat is subject to a fee, and the license fee if it is exempt from the fee, 
  • Notifying that the boat’s measurements should be made by the boat owner within one year at the latest after the registration date and receiving a commitment, 
  • 1 year issuance of the Licenses of the boats whose measurement processes are not completed, 
  • No license fee or fee is charged in the licenses to be issued, in case there is no change in the measurement information when the measurements of the boats that are licensed without the measurement are made, 
  • Issuing licenses by making 5-year visas for boats, all procedures of which are completed (such as measurement, abandonment, customs procedures), 
  • Registration of the boat, which has been registered but whose abandonment certificate, measurement procedures and import processes are not completed, is not sold (including partnership transfers) until these processes are completed, 
  • Fulfilling the sales requests of the boats, whose abandonment certificate has been submitted and whose import and measurement process has been completed, 
  • Notifying the boat owners that the decision of the Value Determination Commission established by the customs directorate is essential in calculating the 1% VAT that the boat owners have to pay, 
  • Sending the letter requesting information to the port authority in order to carry out the customs clearance procedures within the scope of the relevant Decree-Law within 3 months of the registered boat, and the attached copy of the Mooring Log License Sample, to the customs directorate of the place where the boat will be imported, by the Port Authority, 
  • For foreign flagged boats by leasing; During the leasing, the operations based on the ownership of the financial institution as well as the use of the tenant should be carried out by the port authorities, and when there is an application other than these explanations, the issue should be shared with the General Directorate. 



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Mesa Koz, Sahrayicedit Mah. Ataturk Cad. No: 69